Digital Archives on San Diego’s two Expositions:
Panama-California Exposition and Panama-California International Exposition (1915-1916)
Books, Studies, Plans & Documents on Balboa Park:
Balboa Park Cultural Landscape Report First Period 9/5/2018
Documents are searchable PDF files. Use search function in Adobe Acrobat (Ctrl+F).
Books on the Panama-California Exposition (1915-1916):
The San Diego Garden Fair Personal Impressions of the Architecture, Sculpture, Horticulture, Color Scheme & Other Aesthetic Aspects of the Panama California International Exposition by Eugen Neuhaus; Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco, 1916, 81 pages plus photos
The Architecture and the Gardens of the San Diego Exposition A Pictorial Survey of the Aesthetic Features of the Panama-California International Exposition by Bertram Grosvenor Goodhue, Carleton Winslow; Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco, 1916, 153 pages5.9Mb
Exposition Memories Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1916, by George Wharton James, 1916, 216 pages11Mb
Army and Navy Review 1915 Panama-California Edition a review of the activities of the officers and enlisted men stationed in San Diego during the exposition, 1915, 149 pages5.5Mb
Book on the California Pacific International Exposition (1935-1936):
Inside Lights on the Building of San Diego’s Exposition: 1935 by Richard Requa 1937, 151 pages
Balboa Park Master Plan, 1989
Balboa Park Master Plan 183 pages including appendices 13Mb
• Amendment adopted December 9, 1997 (City Council Resolution Number R-289537), incorporating the Balboa Park Activity Center.
• Amendment adopted May 4, 1998 (City Council Resolution Number R-290039), incorporating expansion of the Natural History Museum into open park land.
• Amendment adopted April 13, 2004 (City Council Resolution Number R-299085), incorporating the Park Boulevard Promenade Project.
• Amendment adopted September 21, 2004 (City Council Resolution Number R-299666), incorporating the Veterans Memorial Garden.
Balboa Park Central Mesa Precise Plan, 1992
Complete Document 404 pages + resolutions, 1992 (includes 140 pages of background and Plan) 106Mb
Central Mesa Precise Plan pp. 143-404 + resolutions 70Mb
• Amendment R-290039-2
Expansion of the Natural History Museum within the Park.1998, 5Mb
• Amendment R-296206
West El Prado Arcade Project2001, 0.6Mb
• Amendment R-299085
Park Blvd Promenade2003, 22Mb
Balboa Park East Mesa Precise Plan, 1993
East Mesa Precise Plan 278 pages including appendices
Jones and Jones Balboa Park Land Use, Circulation, and Parking Study 2004
Final Report 104 pages, 11/4/2004
Final Report–Appendices 131 pages, 11/4/20042.4Mb
Discovery Phase White Paper 8/2003 40 pages2.3Mb
Findings & Options White Paper 9/2003, 43 pages5Mb
Preliminary Draft White Paper 10/2003, 32 pages3Mb
Tilghman/Civitas Balboa Park Land Use & Circulation Plan, 2006
Parking Management Action Plan for Balboa Park, Central Mesa & Inspiration Point 117 pages, 7/2006
Reports on Balboa Park Management/Governance:
The Future of Balboa Park: Keeping Balboa Park Magnificent in its Second Century Adopted by Balboa Park Task Force April 19, 2010
64 pages, 0.4Mb
The Future of Balboa Park: Funding, Management and Governance A report from the Balboa Park Committee Submitted to the Mayor & City Council of San Diego ; Balboa Park Committee; Adopted by the Balboa Park Committee, December 18, 2008
35 pages, 1.2Mb
The Soul of San Diego Keeping Balboa Park Magnificent In its Second Century; Center for City Park Excellence of the Trust for Public Land; January 2008
187 pages, includes 3 appendices, 1.4Mb
City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department 2010 Unfunded Park Improvements List
187 pages, 1.8Mb
187 pages, 1.8Mb
Other Books and Articles:
Spanish Colonial Architecture in Mexico by Sylvester Baxter; Plans by Bertram Goodhue; Gomez de Mora edition; pub by Millett, Art Library Pub. Co., 1901, ©1902; The text of this version is searchable but does not include all the plates from other versions. This page from the 1934 Spanish-language edition shows the dome of the parish church of Santa Prisca in Taxco, southwest of Mexico City, Goodhue’s inspiration for the dome of Balboa Park’s California Building.
English, 236 pages, plus frontmatter, 14Mb
“A Little Journey to San Diego” from Selected Writings of Elbert Hubbard Roycrofters, 1922
13 pages, 0.6Mb
“The School of American Archaeology”, Edgar L. Hewett, Art & Archaeology, pp 317-329, July-December, 1916,
14 pages, 1.3Mb
“Architecture of the Exposition”, Edgar L. Hewett, Wm. Templeton Johnson, Papers of The School of American Archaeology, pp 33-40, 1916,
8 pages, 1.3Mb
“Staging the Big Show: Behind the Scenes at the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego” Walter V. Woehlke, Sunset July-Dec, 1914
12 pages, 1.6Mb
“The Fair at San Diego” Bensel Smythe, The American Review of Reviews Jan-June 1915
6 pages, 1.7Mb
“A Little Journey to San Diego” The Philistine
19 pages, 0.4Mb
“San Diego’s Dream City” The National Magazine April-Sept, 1915
7 pages, 1.0Mb
“Fine Arts at the San Diego Exposition” Mark S. Watson, Art and Progress
11 pages, 1.5Mb
“San Diego Exposition” A.E. Winship, Journal of Education, Jan 28, 1915
3 pages, 0.4Mb
“The San Diego and San Francisco Expositions” Christian Brinton, The International Studio, June 1915
7 pages, 1.1Mb
“Plucky Little San Diego and Her Exposition” Rev. Willard Brown Thorp, The Congregationalist and Christian world March 18, 1915
2 pages, 0.5Mb
“A Concrete Arch Bridge at the San Diego Exposition–Beautiful and Permanent” Concrete-Cement Age, January 1914
4 pages, 1Mb
“From Aztec Cave to Conqueror’s Castle” William Templeton Johnson, The California Outlook, December 26, 1914
4 pages, 0.9Mb
“San Diego: The Panama-California Exposition and the Changing Peoples of the Great Southwest” William Templeton Johnson, The Survey, July 3 1915
5 pages, 1Mb
“Edgar Lee Hewett 1865-1946” Robert C Euler, Arizona and the West
7 pages, 0.9Mb
“Bertram G. Goodhue and the Renaissance of Spanish Colonial Architecture” C. Matlack Price, The Architectural Record, Jan-June 1915
26 pages, 2.5Mb
“Ancient America at the Panama-California Expsosition” Edgar L. Hewett, Introd. by W.H. Holmes,Art & Archaeology Magazine, pp 65-105. V II, No. 3, November 1915,
40 pages, 4Mb
“Ground Breaking Ceremonies of the Panama-California Exposition at San Diego, California” Bulletin of the Pan American Union, September 1911,
14 pages, 4Mb
Articles on the Panama-California Exposition Santa Fe Magazine, 1915,
37 pages, 6Mb
“San Diego Exposition”, chapter from Why It Was Done and And How William Kettner, 1917,
6 pages, 0.8Mb
“San Diego and its Exposition Gem” from book A California Pilgrimage Frederick A Bisbee, 1915,
10 pages, 0.4Mb
“San Diego-Panama Exposition” from book San Diego and Imperial Counties, California chapter XLIV, Samuel F Black, 1913,
(details on ground-breaking ceremonies, 1911) 17 pages, 1.4Mb
“What an Exposition is for D.C. Collier, Sunset, 1915
6 pages, 1.2Mb
If you would like to suggest additional documents to be posted here, please contact:
Or send by mail to:
The Committee of One Hundred
1649 El Prado, Suite 2
San Diego, CA 92101